Influential individuals or organisations, invited by B4 to work together to improve outcomes for Tasmanian children and their families in the early years, pregnancy to age 4. If you or your organisation would like to be considered as a B4 Friend please contact
The B4 Friends Register
- Clair Andersen
- Her Excellency the Honourable Barbara Baker AC, Governor of Tasmania
- Kristen Desmond
- Dr Peter Gunn
- Professor Malcolm Horne
- Dr Sue Jenkins OAM, GradDipPhys, PhD
- Kim McVeity
- Dr Barbara Piscitelli AM
- Mr Paul Prichard
- Professor Dorothy Scott AM OAM
- Dr Simon Spain
- Dr Fiona Wagg
- Professor Kate Warner AC
- Michael White
- Tracey Bradley
- Lea Lawson
- Ros Cornish
- Di Nailon OAM
- Bronwyn Tamplin
- Dr Becky Shelley
- Elizabeth Daly OAM
- Leanne McLean