
New Making Marks resource

New Making Marks resource

B4 is pleased to share another great Making Marks resource. B4 Art Exhibition – seeing children’s drawing is a celebration of children’s artistic development from their earliest ‘scribbles’ to their skilled interpretations of what is important to them. Come with us on a journey of discovery to learn more about children’s art – a journeyContinue reading New Making Marks resource

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Investing in the Wellbeing of Tasmania’s Children and Young People

Investing in the Wellbeing of Tasmania’s Children and Young People

A new report released by Tasmania’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, Investing in the Wellbeing of Tasmania’s Children and Young People (PDF, 7MB) proposes that to improve the wellbeing of Tasmania’s children, it needs to be at the centre of government policy and decision making through the establishment of a whole-of-government strategy.   TheContinue reading Investing in the Wellbeing of Tasmania’s Children and Young People

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